Warts Matter

Zeal is a powerful driving force, motivating both the political right and left. What do our spiritual traditions teach about when our zeal is appropriate?

This service will be held in person at Bozeman Pond only, there will not be a livestream.

Rabbi/Representative Ed Stafman served as Rabbi to Bozeman’s Congregation Beth Shalom from 2009-2019, and is now Rabbi Emeritus. Prior to that, he practiced law for 25 years, specializing in civil rights and criminal defense, especially defending death penalty cases. He was ordained in 2009 from the ALEPH Rabbinic Program, following eight years of study there. He also holds an MA and is ABD in Religion of Western Antiquity from Florida State University. In 2020, he was elected to the Montana House of Representatives to serve House District 62, which is south-central Bozeman. During his first session, he served on the Judiciary and Health & Human Services committees. He now serves on the Health & Human Services Interim Committee, where he was recently elected as chair. Rabbi Ed is married to Beth, a calligrapher and book artist, and has two grown children, Laura, a surgeon now in a fellowship for Pediatric Surgery at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, and Logan, who received his PhD from Princeton two years ago and is now a research scientist in Seattle.