We are so happy you would like to learn more about the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bozeman!
What should I expect at Sunday Service?
We welcome everyone, we are a Welcoming Congregation… all abilities, ages, colors, ethnicities, class, gender expressions, races, and sexual orientations. Our services, which are about an hour-long, feature readings, music, hymns, a sermon by our minister or a presentation by a lay member or an outside speaker, and a chance for individuals to express a joy or concern to the congregation.
When and where are Sunday Services held?
Services are held each Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in our building located at 325 N. 25th Ave. in Bozeman (click here for a map). Our services are also live-streamed on YouTube. After the service, join us for an in-person social time. Click here to view our upcoming services.
Make sure to sign up to receive our weekly e-news so you can receive the latest updates!
You can view some of our past sermons, by visiting the Past Sermons page.
What do Unitarian Universalists believe?
Take a peek at our About Us page to get more information about our fellowship and beliefs.
How else can I get involved?
It’s easy! Join us for coffee and conversation after any Sunday service. Just walk up to anyone and introduce yourself. If you have questions, look for people with plastic nametags—they have been involved in UUFB for a while.
Look at the announcements in the Sunday Order of Service. You are invited to participate in any of them, whether social activities like Game Night or social justice volunteering like serving at Fork and Spoon.
Check out the announcements and accomplishments on the four-sided poster kiosk in the Social Hall after the service.
Volunteer for any of our Social Justice activities. We have long-standing commitments to Family Promise, Fork and Spoon, Gallatin Valley Food Bank, Montana Interfaith Power and Light, and being a UUA Welcoming Congregation. Find more information by clicking here.
Take a look at our upcoming events calendar to see the engaging activities we have planned!
Sign up to receive our weekly e-news! It lists our coming events. Or ask to be included in our email “listserv” for announcements, information on upcoming services, etc. To be added to our “listserv” contact our Office Admin.
We have many different committees and task forces that are always looking for someone to contribute new ideas and energy. Contact us if you would like more information on helping out on one of our committees!