Description or Charge of the Team:

  1. Arrange for general upkeep and repair of the building.
  2. Snow and ice removal (other than is removed by our contracted services).
  3. Cleaning and grounds maintenance (other than contracted mowing).
  4. Determine the process by which needed repairs and services are reported.
  5. Set a schedule for regular inspection of the portions of the building and its components.

Duties of a Team Member:

  • Team Meetings – quarterly check-in: by Zoom, phone, or in-person.
    • Landscaping/Gardening one-and-done garden activities (requires bending over).
    • Painting (requires being able to use ladders).
    • Coordinate annual weed roundups.
    • Coordinate snow shovelers and parking monitors for events.
    • Minor repairs of interior building.
    • Oversee audio/visual components of operations.
    • Coordinate annual cleaning and scheduled maintenance.
    • Maintain furnishings and equipment.

Currently, we need an Interior Building Manager.

Approximate time per month for Team work or activities:

  • Variable
  • EXTERIOR: Usually 1-3 hours per task, 1-2 tasks per summer month (except for ongoing Gardening), 1-2 tasks per month in the fall, winter, spring, excluding snow shoveling.
  • INTERIOR: Usually 1-3 hours per task, 1 task/month.

Number of openings for new Team Members

2: one for outside duties, one for inside

To express your interest in this Opportunity, CLICK HERE.