Building and Grounds Team
Description or Charge of the Team:
- Arrange for general upkeep and repair of the building.
- Snow and ice removal (other than is removed by our contracted services).
- Cleaning and grounds maintenance (other than contracted mowing).
- Determine the process by which needed repairs and services are reported.
- Set a schedule for regular inspection of the portions of the building and its components.
Duties of a Team Member:
- Team Meetings – quarterly check-in: by Zoom, phone, or in-person.
- Landscaping/Gardening one-and-done garden activities (requires bending over).
- Painting (requires being able to use ladders).
- Coordinate annual weed roundups.
- Coordinate snow shovelers and parking monitors for events.
- Minor repairs of interior building.
- Oversee audio/visual components of operations.
- Coordinate annual cleaning and scheduled maintenance.
- Maintain furnishings and equipment.
Currently, we need an Interior Building Manager.
Approximate time per month for Team work or activities:
- Variable
- EXTERIOR: Usually 1-3 hours per task, 1-2 tasks per summer month (except for ongoing Gardening), 1-2 tasks per month in the fall, winter, spring, excluding snow shoveling.
- INTERIOR: Usually 1-3 hours per task, 1 task/month.
Number of openings for new Team Members
2: one for outside duties, one for inside