Caring Team
Description or Charge of the Team:
The Caring Team reaches out to people in our Fellowship who have identified a need they have for assistance, such as meals, rides, visits, comfort, etc. We work closely with the minister responding to pastoral needs in times of grief and loss, illness, health care needs, changes in employment, unsettled relationships, and other life transitions.
Duties of a Team Member:
- Team Meetings: When we can, we like to gather together in the UUFB meeting hall. Otherwise, we meet via Zoom. We begin our meetings with a check-in and move on to handling the details of identified people’s special needs and how we will meet them.
- Team Activities: The Team tries to do things throughout the year to recognize all the people in our fellowship who need special attention (shut-ins, widows, etc.). We try to involve the RE kids and all others who want to participate. Projects that we have done recently are: Soup in a Jar with Handmade card and hand-decorated cookie from the RE kids; Valentine cards and decorated cookies, Easter-egg baskets and hunt (for those with a yard). We also try to recognize the major holidays in some special way like Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.
- Other duties: Writing cards, calling people to check-in with them on how they’re doing, occasionally making a meal (if the Team member so chooses), or taking someone to the airport or a medical appointment.
Approximate time per month for Team Meetings:
We meet on the 4th Wednesday evening from 6:30- 8:00 p.m. at the UUFB, when possible.
Approximate additional time per month for other Team work or activities:
About 1 hour
Number of openings for new Team Members :
1 to 5 people