Hospitality and Membership Team
Description or Charge of the Team:
- Welcome visitors, members, and friends each Sunday morning.
- Contact potential new members.
- Follow up with first-time visitors.
- Offer UU membership classes and ingathering ceremonies.
- Recognize and help integrate new members into the life of the congregation.
- Keep the membership list current and accurate.
- Produce a members and friends directory, updating it each year.
- Contact members and friends, new members, and visitors who drop away.
- Recognize and help integrate new members into the life of the Fellowship.
- Holds regular monthly meetings and additional meetings as needed.
Duties of a Team Member:
- Attend monthly Team meetings.
- Greet at services, learn UUFB system to relate information to new folks, engage in one-on-one conversations to learn about visitors’ and newcomers’ interests. Email and phone congregation to keep in touch.
Approximate time per month for Team Meetings:
Meetings take 1 to 1-1/2 hours per month, Zoom. We rotate the duties of taking minutes and creating the agenda for meetings, those activities take about 2 hours in the month prior to the meeting.
We spend 45 minutes prior to, then during the first 10 minutes of each service to greet and answer questions and help people with any needs they have coming into service. We generally also pass the offering plates. We each serve at 2-4 services per month. We are responsible for locking up the building after services.
Approximate additional time for other Team work or activities:
We each spend 6-8 hours on the phone each fall, calling members and friends to just keep in touch, but also to ascertain correct contact information. We turn our data over to UUFB Administrator for incorporation into the Membership Directory, which she maintains.
Number of openings for new Team Members:
4 people