Interior Design Art Project
Description of the Project:
The Interior Design Task Force would like to have a rotating Art Display where UUFB members and friends can display their works for a period of time. This display could change monthly or maybe quarterly. The project would be to identify and schedule artists would like to display their works.
Description of the help needed:
- Artists who have artwork they would like to display.
- Team to identify interior walls where artwork could be hung.
- Team to identify and schedule artists.
- Assist with installation of the artwork if the artist would like help.
This is a one-time project for an artist supplying the artwork for one show.
This would be a several-time-per-year project for the team identifying and scheduling the shows.
Approximate time commitment:
For an artist – 2 hours to hang and take down a show (not counting the time needed to create the artwork)
For a team member coordinating the shows – 2 hours initially to set the schedule, then some small amount of time each time the show changes.
Number of people needed to help with the project/activity:
2 people for the coordination team.
Up to 12 artists if we have one show per month in the next year.