Interior Design Task Force
Description or Charge of the Task Force:
The Interior Design Task Force was set up by the Building Committee to coordinate, develop, evaluate, and carry out the overall interior appearance of our UUFB Fellowship building which will reflect the values of our Seven Principles, represent sacred space, and meet our functional needs.
The Task Force responsibilities are:
- Make decoration, furnishings, and storage choices that represent the above charge.
- Require all requests for possible decoration or furnishings be presented to this Task Force prior to any placement in the building.
- Evaluate and decide on proposed decorations and furnishing ideas presented to the Task Force.
- Decide on all donations presented to this committee for evaluation as to their fit with our charge.
- Require any structural changes be presented to this Task Force prior to installation.
- Inform the Board and/or obtain approval before making any purchases.
Duties of a Task Force Member:
Meetings are held in person when decisions need to be made. There are no regularly scheduled meetings.
Approximate time per month for Task Force meetings:
Meetings tend to run 1 to 2 hours when needed to work on a project or decide on a placement.
Approximate additional time per month for other Committee work or activities:
Additional time as needed.
Number of openings for new Committee Members:
We welcome anyone who would like to have input into these projects.