Veteran’s Day this year marks the end of the first World War 105 years ago. For many soldiers on the stationary fronts, this war was a conflict defined in part by explosive noise, the consequence of artillery technology and plentiful munitions. From this many soldiers developed “shell shock,” identified and studied by medical and psychological professionals during the war. The condition we now know as PTSD is a descendant from front line Great War circumstances. Montana State University instructor of history Dale Martin joins UUFB for a special presentation on this day of recognition for veterans.
Dale Martin has been a non-tenure track professor in the Department of History and Philosophy at MSU since 2000. He has been a presenter for Wonderlust and OLLI at MSU for many years, teaching courses in the history of Montana, the First World War, 20th century Middle East, and technology. He is a mining and railroad historian of Montana and the West.