Listening for Hope

In this time of winter quiet, a new beginning is forming, underground and perhaps within ourselves. With the shift of the solstice, we too begin to turn our focus to the coming light. We are at a turning point; a time to bid farewell to 2020. Are you ready to wash it out of our systems?! This service will include a New Year’s ritual. Please gather these items:

  • A candle to light
  • A piece of paper to write on and later burn
  • A rock to hold on to
  • A cup of water

Rev. Dana Lightsey has been an ordained UU Minister for ten years. Previously, she had a distinguished career as a teacher. She enjoys serving as an interim and developmental minister for congregations that are going through challenging changes. She is currently serving as the Assistant Minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder, who hired her to help them reimagine religious education.
