Rest is Resistance, Can I get an Amen?

Join us for Sunday Service on June 9th featuring the sermon “Rest is Resistance, Can I get an Amen?” by Rev. Emilie Boggis – read by Neil Gregersen.

“What people aren’t expecting, Tricia says, is that she is calling you to resist grind culture. Full stop. She not only hands you a blanket. She also hands you a metaphorical flamethrower so that you can burn the culture of grind to the ground. Rest is, in fact, resistance. And she is calling on all of us to join together and resist…”

Rev. Emilie Boggis was co-minister at Beacon UU Congregation in Summit, NJ for 18 years. She graduated from Meadville Lombard Theological School (a UU seminary in Chicago) in June 2005. She previously worked as an Americorps VISTA volunteer at Habitat for Humanity.