Women’s Suffrage: The 19th Amendment and Voter Rights for All

Why does the right to vote matter? And because our right to vote is so powerful to a Democracy, why has it has been suppressed for Centuries?

Today in the Centennial anniversary year of the U.S. women’s right to vote, I’ll be exploring the long path to enfranchising most women’s right to vote through the persistence and resistance of women and male allies of many diversities, including the role that Montana played as an early voting state in 1914. It’s also important to understand which women – mostly of color and Indigenous – were excluded from the victory of women’s suffrage by the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution and why? And how that has impacted women’s movements for our full human rights and the ERA today? Lastly, what is the status of and challenges to every woman’s Right to Vote and All Voter Rights today, and what we can do defend and expand them in this crucial 2020 Election?

Jan Strout is an educator and organizer for human rights of all women and girls as well as racial and economic justice – both locally and globally – to advance peace and human dignity for all. Because of her lived experience to end all forms of violence and discrimination, Jan has worked to create and institutionalize equity, inclusion, and diversity in many community sectors. Her most recent is co-leader of the new Bozeman Task Force to Advance the Status and Safety of All Women and Girls. Prior to this, she co-founded in 2017 the Bozeman for CEDAW women’s human rights Initiative, co-led the successful City of Bozeman’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Resolution campaign, and is currently President of Montana National Organization for Women (NOW). Recently retired from MSU teaching her 1st-year seminar, Engaged Knowledge and Community, Jan was named in 2018 one of MSU’s 125 Extraordinary Ordinary Women. Some of her other contributions include the founding director of MSU’s and Princeton University’s Women’s Centers, organizer for Montana Women Vote, co-President of the Bozeman Film Festival and co-founder of The HAVEN. She is passionate about defending and expanding voter rights and women’s rights in our Democracy and is pleased to share her thinking and experiences with both!