Social Activities Team
Description or Charge of the Team:
The Social Activities Team encourages and provides opportunities for social interaction among the members and friends of the UUFB Fellowship.
- In a typical year, plan, coordinate, publicize and present a wide variety of holiday celebrations, home-hosted movie and game nights, family oriented and other events to provide meaningful and enjoyable social interaction within our Fellowship.
- Assists the UUFB Board, Minister and other UUFB Teams with the planning of other Fellowship activities such as food for funerals or memorial services, retreats, the annual spring auction, and stewardship event.
- The SAC does not assist member families with the planning, preparation, or delivery of personal parties such as weddings, graduation, or family reunions.
Duties of a Team Member:
- Team Meetings are on Zoom each month to organize future events.
- The Team does a monthly cupcake party during coffee hour after a Sunday Service to celebrate members and friends with birthdays and anniversaries which occur during that month.
- We plan and hold at least 6 other social events during the year to bring our Fellowship together for fun. These have included events like a Thanksgiving Dinner, a Senior Tea, a movie night, a share-your-hobby event, etc.
- We also help with receptions for funerals or memorial services for Fellowship members and friends.
Approximate time per month for Team Meetings:
Team meeting are usually 1 hour per month.
Approximate additional time per month for other Team work or activities:
Additional time for social events will depend on the actual event. For the monthly cupcake party, it is approximately 2 hours per event. Something like a Thanksgiving Dinner is likely to take longer.
Number of openings for new Team Members:
3 people