Welcoming Forgiveness Into Our Lives – A Service Inspired by Yom Kippur
Whether you are new to the valley or have lived here for some time, join in celebrating the confluence of the waters and the richness of community.
Letting past lessons regarding child and teen labor in Montana shape our actions for justice in our current political climate.
How do we stop blaming ourselves for our lack of human perfection so that there is room for growth and transformation? Rev. Margo will use the archetypes of the rhino … Continue reading Transformation
Messages from General Assembly for you! Reverend Margo will summarize what the Unitarian Universalist Association is hoping for you this coming year. This will include how to recognize and protect … Continue reading Lessons from the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly
What does trust mean to us as individuals, a faith community, and in our society at large. Let’s gather together and learn deeper ways of trusting and being trustworthy.
How can we be the spinners of skies and weavers of love described in Rumi’s poem “The Silk Worm”?
Play is essential to our humanity and our health. How would it change us if play was not something we do after the work is done, but as an essential … Continue reading The Spiritual Practices of Summer Play
Learning to allow ourselves to flow with creative acts in progress, including interruptions and invitations. This sermon is based on the work of the Buddhist improv musician, Stephen Nachmanovitch.
Whether the flower you bring is florist tended, garden grown, or roadside sprouted, bring a flower to exchange with others in the UUFB community. Flower communion began in the 1930s … Continue reading Flower Communion