Stewardship Team
Description or Charge of the Team:
One of the most important projects volunteers undertake for our Fellowship is the annual Stewardship Campaign every fall that raises around 90% of our operating budget. Stewardship does not mean asking individuals for money. Rather it is an opportunity to talk about why the Fellowship is important to us and how we support it. Most of UUFB will make a pledge each year—they just need to be reminded. The outcome is dollars, but the work of the Stewardship team is creating the plan or framework for the annual reminder and developing messages to explain the goals and purposes of each year’s campaign.
Duties of a Team Member:
- Attend meetings, share ideas, perform planning tasks, including with people not on the Team itself.
- Complete your own pledge form before the campaign is announced, so the campaign doesn’t start from zero.
- A few members are needed to make phone calls at the end of the campaign, reminding people to turn in their forms (even if blank).
Team Meetings:
Most meetings are brainstorming and then planning for a series of communication efforts and often a key event like a musical evening or cottage meetings.
Team Activities:
Planning, brainstorming, and implementing the pledge campaign.
Approximate time per month for Team Meetings:
The Team does not hold monthly meetings as such. Planning work begins in late summer, with the official launch in October and the campaign concluded in mid-December. Meetings may be more often than monthly in the fall, but the work happens in 4 – 5 months.
Approximate additional time per month for other Team work or activities:
Varies with the plan adopted and the tasks volunteered for.
Number of openings for new Team Members:
1 – 3 people. It will be beneficial for a couple members to carry over from year to year.