Description of the Project or Activity:

Quarterly Used Book Sale

Description of the help needed:

  • Set up – tables, organize/unpack books, moving of some light furniture.
  • Clean up – boxing books, carry to car for donation, resetting Social Hall.

One time project:

There are four Book Sales each year. Each one is a one-time commitment. You can select set-up, clean-up, or both. Set-up starts at Service 9:00-9:45 am before Sunday Service, and then clean-up starts after the close of the sale at roughly 11:30-12:00 noon.

Approximate time commitment:

45 mins at either end of the Book Sale.

Number of people needed to help with the project:

3 volunteers each for set-up and clean-up at each Used Book Sale


To express your interest in this Opportunity, CLICK HERE.