Imagination or Delusion
The word “imagination” is often used to describe an important positive attribute of a person. The word “delusion” on the other hand is typically used to refer to a negative … Continue reading Imagination or Delusion
The word “imagination” is often used to describe an important positive attribute of a person. The word “delusion” on the other hand is typically used to refer to a negative … Continue reading Imagination or Delusion
Throughout the histories of Unitarianism and Universalism, our forebears used their imaginations to arrive at religious perspectives that differed from what was considered to be “proper” or even acceptable for … Continue reading Imagination’s Importance in Unitarian Universalism
At this time last year we had no idea how dramatically different today would be than last January 10th. Likewise, today we don’t know how things will have changed a … Continue reading Imagination: Creating the Future Reality
The past several years we have gathered on Christmas Eve to sing familiar Christmas hymns and enjoy special music of the season. We continue that tradition this year with wonderful … Continue reading Celebrating Christmas Eve 2020
As we sit on the cusp of the winter solstice there is considerably more darkness each day than there is daylight. With the increased darkness, many of us spend more … Continue reading Seeking Stillness on the Solstice
Our country and the world are in the midst of a very tumultuous period. The recent national election is over and yet there remains contention about who will be our … Continue reading The Power in Stillness
This week many people across this country celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday. For many Indigenous people of this land, however, the Thanksgiving holiday is a painful reminder of the impacts colonialism … Continue reading Healing for the Wounds of Colonialism
Over the past several years, this country has become more divided than it has been in decades. Much of the division seems to have a political element. With Election Day … Continue reading Healing the National Divide
Years in the future members of the UUFB will look back to the year 2020 and talk about what a year it was. Since we can’t know the future, we … Continue reading Listening to the Future
Our Fourth Principle advises “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” There are multiple approaches to finding truth. One approach involves listening deeply. In her book, Braiding Sweetgrass, … Continue reading Exploring a Deeper Truth