Giving Away
Giving away is at the very core of the Biblical Easter story. And as we move further into spring, we see the grip of winter opening and giving way to … Continue reading Giving Away
Giving away is at the very core of the Biblical Easter story. And as we move further into spring, we see the grip of winter opening and giving way to … Continue reading Giving Away
The threat posed by the COVID-19 virus is at the forefront of almost everyone’s mind. Nearly everywhere we turn, we see, hear and/or feel the effects that concerns about this … Continue reading Liberation Through Redirecting Attention
This will be our occasional service “A Ritual to Read to Each Other,” in which members and friends are invited to send a short poem to share with the congregation … Continue reading A Ritual to Read to Each Other
In our world today one commonly accepted path to wisdom is through seeking knowledge, especially scholarly knowledge. But like most things in life, there are multiple paths that lead to … Continue reading Ways to Wisdom
Wisdom is a virtue that is lifted up in stories ancient and new. Frequently in such stories, there is a character that seems to possess and share wisdom that is … Continue reading Developing Personal Wisdom
At some point in our lives all of us have had to address difficult issues or situations—issues or situations that seemed daunting or overwhelming. Somehow each of us made it … Continue reading Resilience—More Than Just Enduring
Each Sunday we acknowledge that the land we hold our services on was previously inhabited by the indigenous people of this area. How is it that today non-indigenous people hold … Continue reading Dominion, Resistance & Resiliency in North America
On this day before the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, we will look back at the message and the methods of this civil rights icon. As we do so, we … Continue reading To Overcome Racial Injustice
As the country has been riveted on the recent events in our nation’s capital, a fundamental question has been raised that is important for all of us to consider. How … Continue reading How Important is Integrity?
Christmas has been inspiring music of many kinds for hundreds of years. The music of Christmas will be the centerpiece of our Christmas Eve service. We will sing Christmas hymns … Continue reading A Musical Christmas Eve