Respect for the Interdependent Web
Scientists tell us that humans are the most advanced living organisms on earth. Some people go so far as to assert that we were made in the image of God. … Continue reading Respect for the Interdependent Web
Scientists tell us that humans are the most advanced living organisms on earth. Some people go so far as to assert that we were made in the image of God. … Continue reading Respect for the Interdependent Web
All faith traditions offer a perspective on planet Earth, this place we humans call home. The perspectives vary greatly, from the Earth being sacred, to all things worldly being simply … Continue reading This Sacred Earth
John Adams, one of our Unitarian forebears, had a significant role in crafting our U.S. Constitution. The preamble of the Constitution lifts up the concepts of peace, liberty, and justice. Like … Continue reading Peace, Liberty and Justice for All
In this season of renewal and rebirth, we gather for a multigenerational celebration of the Pagan roots of Easter, including the origin of the Easter Bunny. Following the service, we … Continue reading The Roots of Easter
For humans community is not just important, it is essential. We are born into and live our lives surrounded by community. The support, structure, and encouragement provided within community have … Continue reading Community: Dreaming Big
The Fifth UU Principle speaks of “the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” Democracy is a foundational element of the United States as … Continue reading Considering the Democratic Process
The first portion of our Fifth Principle lifts up the “right of conscience.” There are echoes here of well-known Unitarians such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. But … Continue reading The Right of Conscience
It has been asserted that as human beings we must make meaning of what we encounter and experience if we are to thrive or possibly even survive. In the process … Continue reading The Search for Truth and Meaning
There is a saying that goes, “Life is a journey not a destination.” On the journey of life there is no map to follow, no established course that is clearly … Continue reading A Free and Responsible Search
“Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth.” The Third of our Seven UU Principles holds what some might perceive to be a contradiction. It suggests that we accept one … Continue reading Acceptance and Encouragement to Growth