General Information on Committees

To view our current list of committees and teams/task forces, please view the Committee Lists & Descriptions PDF at the link below.

General Information on Committees
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Two Members at Large, Past-President, and an Ex-Offcio Member (the Minister).

  1. Duties: Oversee the governance and administration of the UUFB.
  2. Responsibilities: Mission and Vision, Finance, Planning, Policy, and Personnel.

The Caring Committee works in close coordination with the minister to respond to pastoral needs in times of grief and loss, illness, changes in relationship or employment and other transitions. Among its activities, the committee:

  1. Visits the ill.
  2. Sends cards and prayer flags.
  3. Maintains supportive contact with those who are unable to attend services.
  4. Arranges for meals and/or transportation as necessary
  5. Functions as the clearinghouse of community assistance resources.
  6. May coordinate support groups if needed.
  7.  Responds to any other requests for help on an ad hoc basis.
Committee on Ministry (COM)

The Committee on Ministry (COM):

  1. Focus on all aspects of the congregation’s ministry in light of the mission statement by working with the minister, the board and committees.
  2. Ask committees (and the board and the minister) to reflect on the particulars of their ministry, assess their ministry and plan for the future, all in light of the mission statement.
  3. Perceive concerns brought to or recognized by the committee, reflect on those concerns and develop proposals to the relevant bodies who may best address them.
  4. Make recommendation for minister’s compensation.
  5. Conduct periodic ministerial reviews and congregation assessments.

Committee on Ministry Policy (PDF)

Healthy Relations (PDF)

2021 UUFB Shared Ministry Assessment Summary (PDF)

Governance & Leadership

The Governance & Leadership Committee

  1. Work on a year-round basis
  2. Identify potential leaders
  3. Recruit committee chairs and assist committees in recruiting new members, when/or as needed.
  4. Propose candidates for vacant board positions.
  5. Provide leadership training for Board, committees, task forces, and other volunteers as needed and/or requested which may include: (a) Helping volunteers understand how their work furthers the congregational mission. (b) Helping provide education about ways to establish measurable goals/tasks and follow-up evaluation processes for committees, task forces, Board, etc. (as needed and/or requested.)
  6. Compile a list of all volunteer positions in the congregation from information provided by the Committees and other groups.
  7. Become aware of interest and talents of current and new members and friends through various data collection methods (interviews, surveys, focus groups, etc.). Coordinate with the membership committee.
  8. Assist Board with other duties related to Leadership as needed and/or requested.

The Historian:

  1. Document various UUFB activities.
  2. Keep a photo record book.
Interfaith Committee for Our Whole Lives (OWL)

Interfaith Committee for Our Whole Lives (OWL):

  1. The Interfaith Our Whole Lives Committee, a partnership with UUFB and Pilgrim UCC, provides oversight and coordination of the Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality education for children, youth, and adults.

Click here for more information on OWL

Lifespan Education (LREC)

The Lifespan Education (LREC):

  1. Formulate philosophy, policy and goals for Lifespan Religious Education programs in light of our UUFB Mission and in conjunction with the Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE) and the Minister.
  2. Review and approve religious education curricula for children and youth.
  3. Help recruit assistants and substitutes for the youth and children’s RE programs in conjunction with the CRE.
  4. Receive periodic updates from the Adult RE subcommittee and Minister.
  5. Receive periodic updates from the Interfaith Our Whole Lives Committee.
  6. Review reports of expenditures of LRE funds to stay within the budgeted amounts.
  7. Review and approve an annual budget proposal for submission to the Finance Committee in cooperation with the CRE and Minister.
  8. Send LREC Chair or designee to attend Program Council meetings as needed or requested.
  9. Cooperate with various Fellowship groups that wish to develop multigenerational activities.
  10. Provide LRE updates and issues to discuss with appropriate groups.
  11. Has LREC Chair schedule and moderate Committee meetings, and ensure minutes are produced.
  12. Conduct a formal evaluation of the CRE on at least an annual basis in conjunction with the Minister.
  13. Implement a follow-up plan for families who have stopped coming.
  14. Develop an effective outreach program for new families within the next 2-3 years in consultation with the Membership Committee.

Click here for more information on LREC

Personnel Committee
Program Council

The Program Council:

  1. Program Council consists of committee chairs, the Minister, the CRE and other representatives of groups within the Fellowship.
  2. Coordinate programs and scheduling.
  3. Respond creatively to common concerns.
  4. Provide an opportunity to reflect together on ways to live our mission through programming.
  5. Provide leadership growth opportunities for Fellowship leaders and potential leaders.
  6. Collaborate on shared projects.
  7. Collaborate with the Board, the Leadership Committee, the Minister and lay leaders.
  8. Offer suggestions as well as practical support when a leader is encountering a challenge.

The Safety Committee:

  1. Research best practices in congregational safety.
  2. Evaluate current UUFB policies.
  3. Recommend policy changes to the Board.
  4. Continue to keep abreast of new developments in the field of congregational safety. 5. Assess evolving safety practices and needs.
Social Activites

The Social Activities Committee encourages and provides opportunities for social interaction among the members and friends of the UUFB Fellowship.

  1. In a typical year, plan, coordinate, publicize and present a wide variety of holiday celebrations, home-hosted movie and game nights, family oriented and other events to provide meaningful and enjoyable social interaction within our Fellowship.
  2. Assists the UUFB Board, Minister and other UUFB committees with the planning of other Fellowship activities such as food for funerals or memorial services, retreats, the annual spring auction, and stewardship event.
  3. The SAC does not assist member families with the planning, preparation, or delivery of personal parties such as weddings, graduation, or family reunions.

Upcoming Events Dietary Restrictions Policy (PDF)

Social Justice Action Committee
Sunday Services
  1. Work with the minister to create Sunday services that are inspiring, informative, stimulating.
  2. Provide and train volunteers to supply Sunday services, and other services as needed, with guest speakers when needed, lay leaders, story tellers, and musicians and altar setup.
  3. Meet at least monthly to plan services for the coming months.
  4. Provide the Administrative Coordinator with a list of participants in the upcoming services and information for the newsletter.
  5. Evaluate services and recommend changes in format and timing, etc.
  6. Keep in mind the principles of UU and the mission of UUFB.